Producer Wine Name Varietal Reviewer Rating Vintage Cost
ProducerCovey Run  Wine Name  VarietalBlended White  ReviewerMike Taylor  RatingVery good  Vintage2001  Cost$8.00 
Covey Run has blended 60% Semillon with 40% Chardonnay in this 01 offering. The color is straw yellow and the Semillon takes precedence with nice aromas of apricot, grass and sweet corn. A touch of apple mingles in from the Chardonnay. The wine has crisp acidity and a medium body that has flavors of citrus. The flavors can be slightly angular until paired with food. Then a more consistent, balanced wine produced a crisp finish that was more agreeable.
Color Type Maturity Appellation Country State County Region
ColorWhite  TypeTable  MaturityReady  Appellation  CountryUnited States  StateWashington  County  Region 
Date added: February 20, 2005
Superb: 95-100 | Excellent: 90-94 | Very Good: 85-89 | Good: 80-84 | Ordinary: 75-79 | Undrinkable: 50-74